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A Security Operations Center (SOC) provides proactive threat monitoring, threat detection, and advice to stop threats quickly. But you may be surprised at what goes on behind the scenes to keep you safe. Our SOC analysts monitor for malicious activity 24/7 to separate the needles you need to care about from the rest of the stack of needles. With cybersecurity experts watching over your business, you have the freedom to focus on what’s important —developing innovative solutions and growing your business.

This series of series of short, on-demand webinars gives insight into the inner workings of the Alert Logic SOC. Learn about a variety of real-world incidents the experts in our SOC deal with daily.

You’ll hear:

  • Real-world experiences and techniques used to defend against attempted attacks and breaches
  • Strategies to help you proactively identify and address high risk areas
  • The critical role a SOC plays in a 24/7 defensive cybersecurity strategy

Webinar Series

In this Story from the SOC learn about how Alert Logic detected and helped our customer eliminate cryptomining malware that had infected them before they joined us, and how we went on to clear out a strong foothold the attacker had gained. 
Polymorphic malware is notoriously hard to detect, requiring more than a signature-based approach. In this Story from the SOC learn about how Alert Logic detected the Emotet malware through analysis of unusual behaviour on a customer’s network.
This webinar focuses on Alert Logic’s manual threat hunting activities using the example of a Citrix RCE vulnerability (CVE-2019-19781) which, at the time, was an emerging threat with no proof of concept (PoC), indicators of compromise (IoC) or indicators of attack (IoA) publicly available. We’ll discuss how our Threat Researchers and SOC analysts worked together to identify these new exploits, and how we were able to then identify and notify the rest of our customer base who displayed similar signs of vulnerability, before being targeted.
Web and application attacks against vulnerable assets that you are aware of are enough a concern - but what if there are legacy assets present in your environment that you aren't aware of? We understand that infrastructure and migration projects move at such a rapid pace that it's often difficult to keep track of everything. In this webinar we'll see an example of how we can use Alert Logic's collected data, in conjunction with our elastic search capabilities, to uncover legacy assets, left behind in a cloud migration, but still active and visible to the Internet.